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Newcomer Services Ease the Settlement Process

Happy family in an airport
Happy family in an airport

Moving to a new country can be difficult, leaving behind friends and family can be hard, and many things — school, health care, jobs, and even the law — might be different from the country you came from. Finding your way in Ontario can take some time, so it’s helpful to have the right information at hand and to know where to find the appropriate support.

Settlement services can help you settle and adjust to your new life in Canada. They’re available to all newcomers, are often free, and always confidential. Many agencies have eligibility requirements that you have to meet to use their services depending on the area you live in or your immigration status, so make sure to find the right services in your area.

These services provide support on matters such as interpretation and translation of documents, filling out forms and applications, English or French classes, finding a job or training, information about other community services, schools, and healthcare. The services cover virtually every aspect of settling in Canada, so it’s all about doing the research to find what service is most applicable to your situation.

Settlement agencies can also be called immigrant agencies, refugee-serving agencies, or newcomer services. Some schools, libraries, and community centres also offer settlement services that can support you to navigate the settlement process more easily.

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