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Exploring Western Canada

Why the Northwest Territories Is a Real Northern Adventure

northwest territories campsite
northwest territories campsite

Many Canadians talk about the north, perhaps the northern region of their province, but they haven’t experienced the real north — the jaw-dropping, stunningly beautiful, bucket list kind of north that can be found throughout the Northwest Territories. And it’s more accessible than you think.

The Northwest Territories has always been a place that has called to adventurers — the Dene and Inuvialuit Indigenous peoples who have lived on the land for thousands of years, fur traders, bush pilots, miners, and present-day adventure seekers. And now, it’s the time for your own northern adventure.

If you’re in the Northwest Territories and you hear someone say “Lights out,” it doesn’t mean it’s time for bed, but rather a time to grab your camera and get excited, because the northern lights are dancing in the sky. And the Northwest Territories is the best place to witness this magical spectacle. You’ll get more than a brief glimpse because the northern lights put on their show across the territories on average 200 nights a year. It’s a different experience here because the lights are the strongest in the world, the colours are brighter, and the displays last longer.

Breathtaking scenery around every corner

The Northwest Territories is home to six national parks, each offering unique, one-of-a-kind experiences. Whether it’s spotting bison in Wood Buffalo, Canada’s largest national park, or marveling at the peaks in Nááts’įhch’oh, which is named after the Nááts’įhch’oh Mountain, or paddling the famed South Nahanni River, it’s a place of wide-open and untouched spaces that haven’t been tamed by the commercialization of other destinations.

A road trip in the Northwest Territories is like no other. How many of your friends have driven to the Arctic Ocean? Five years ago, the 140-kilometre Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway opened, making it the first road to reach the polar shore in North America. Now, you can drive this unforgettable route from Inuvik to the vibrant Inuvialuit community of Tuktoyaktuk. Imagine the stories you’ll be able to share.

Getting there is easy

Going north is easy with several airlines offering non-stop flights to Yellowknife (the territorial capital) from many southern destinations. From Yellowknife, many more airlines offer scheduled or charter flights within the Northwest Territories to communities, wilderness rivers, national parks, and remote fishing lodges. And with three southern highways leading into the territories, driving your own car or RV is easy. Despite the wild landscape that seems to go on forever, there are also lots of campgrounds, picnic sites, and service stations to make your journey easier.

What you get in the Northwest Territories is how nature intended. Beautiful. Spectacular. Dazzling. It’s the making of stories. What are you waiting for?

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