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Glass Houses Are the Future of Farming

Woman buying tomatoes
Woman buying tomatoes

If you’ve ever eaten a tomato, cucumber, or pepper in BC, chances are it was grown in a greenhouse. And the taste and quality are just what you’d expect of farm-fresh produce.

There are a lot of benefits to greenhouse farming. The growing season in greenhouses can last 9–12 months, significantly increasing the amount of food that can be produced, compared to field farming. The latest technologies are also used to reduce impact on the environment.

Computers are used to water the plants, and any unused water is recirculated and used again. This means no fertilizers are discharged into the environment. Pests and disease can be rooted out with the aid of robotics and biological controls — good bugs are used to eat the bad ones. Insecticides are used sparingly, and only as a last resort.

“Greenhouse grown is safe and reliable, and gives us more control over food safety and the environment,” says Eric Schlacht, the president of Delta View Farms. “We’ll see more greenhouses as we experience more extreme weather conditions and a need to feed our growing population.”

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